Piotr Boyarsky
Following in Arctic expeditions footsteps
Piotr Boyarsky (1943). A physicist, geographer, scientific historian and writer, Boyarsky is the founder, leader and scientific supervisor of the Integrated Arctic Marine Expedition (МАКЭ, established in 1986), president of Polar Research Foundation (since 1992), honoured Arctic explorer and Professor Emeritus of NArFU.
Boyarsky earned his degree from Moscow Institute of Engineering and Physics in 1966. His interest in the Arctic was sparked by Veniamin Kaverin whom he met while a student. In his autobiography, he wrote: «... I never thought I’d be a polar explorer (I was 43 when I went on my first expedition), let alone that I’d be going over the routes taken earlier by Sedov, Rusanov and Brusilov. Their 1912 expeditions ended tragically. I saw the crosses they had planted and where they had been wintering.»
Boyarsky’s passion for exploring the Arctic heritage had led him to set up, within culture research institute, the Arctic studies office. He heads the Integrated Arctic Marine Expedition (МАКЭ), whose every voyage to the Russian Arctic isles results in more descriptions of the Arctic cultural and natural sites. In cooperation with partners, the Expedition fulfills an integrated research agenda that revolves about topics such as Arctic: The Territory of Discoveries. From Semen Dezhnev times until today; Arctic: The 21st-century experiment, to name a few. Boyarksy was the first to come up with the idea of a multifaceted study towards preservation and use of cultural and natural heritage. He provided rationales for the international protected areas network and The Atlas of the Russian Arctic Cultural, Spiritual and Natural Heritage. Boyarksy is the author of a new scientific movement called historico-geographical experiment.
Last Updated on 24 September 2020